Breaking the Fence: Learning From the Giants

CE: 1.00

Dr. Andolfi takes a closer look at some of family therapy’s pioneers—like Carl Whitaker, Salvador Minuchin, James Framo, and Mara Selvini Palazzoli—giants in the field who were influential in his work and development. Through personal reflections and a look back at the masters at work, Dr. Andolfi works to clarify the Milan Approach. This interview-style video outlines his development as a therapist and teacher, in continuation of the experiences of very dedicated and exceptional pioneers of the field. Dr. Andolfi is professor of Psychology at La Sapienza (University of Rome), director of the Accademia di Psicoterapia Familiare in Rome Italy, and editor-in-chief of the Italian family therapy journal, Terapia Familiare. In 1999, he was the recipient of an American Association for Marital & Family Therapy award for Special Contribution to Marital and Family Therapy. He was the co-founder of the European Family Therapy Association and past-president of the Italian Family Therapy Society. He has published widely in both Italian and English
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