Joining Forces: Taking Action to Serve America's Military Families

Resources for MFTs who are working with Military Service Members, Veterans and their Families  

The AAMFT teamed up with the White House and other national healthcare associations to support the Joining Forces initiative.  The AAMFT has been active in this part of the Joining Forces initiative since its inception. 

AAMFT is working with Joining Forces to increase the education and training of MFTs and other providers in PTSD and TBI.  AAMFT has created this webpage to highlight all of the information, training, and resources available to providers who are working to meet the behavioral health needs to service members, veterans, and their families.  MFTs are encouraged to review these resources and take advantage of training opportunities that are available.

General Information and Resources

Department of Defense:

AfterDeployment for Providers:  Developed by the military, this comprehensive site contains resources and training that you will need in providing services to members of the military and their families.  

AfterDeployment for the military community:  This website is the companion site for Service members and their families.

Continuing Education:  This AfterDeployment site offers continuing education training in areas pertaining to PTSD, military cultural competency, and other issues.

Comprehensive military treatment online courses:  The Center for Deployment Psychology, along with other groups, offers several courses.  The courses can either be taken individually or for a certificate through The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare. 

Real Warriors Campaign:  This campaign is an initiative by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.  This website has a section for providers.

Department of Veterans Affairs:

Make the Connection:  This website allows providers and Veterans to find VA resources and other resources that will be helpful for Veteran clients.

Veterans Crisis Line:  Veterans can receive support 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255 press 1.

Returning for the War Zone Guidelines:  Materials for military personnel and their families on reintegration after returning home. 

Military Health Risk Pocket Card for Clinicians:  This information the unique health risks by military service era.

Other Resources:

Resource Guides for Healthcare Providers:  The Alliance of Military and Veteran Family Behavioral Health Providers has developed several resource guides for MFTs and other providers who are working with military personnel, Veterans or their Family members.


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Resources and Training

Department of Defense:

The National Center for Telehealth and Technology (T2): This public agency designs and evaluates technologies that can be deployed in support of PTSD and TBI training and recovery.  The T2 site contains a wealth of information and resources.

T2 Mobile Apps: This T2 sites lists several mobile apps pertaining to PTSD and TBI that are available to providers.

T2 Virtual PTSD Experience:  Based in Second Life, this virtual experience is designed to educate providers and others about PTSD. 

Helping Families Understand Combat Stress:  This article should help families understand combat stress.

PTSD Treatment Options:  This article discusses several treatment options that providers use to effectively treat PTSD.

Department of Veterans Affairs: 

PTSD VA website:  The VA’s comprehensive website pertaining to PTSD. 

PTSD Overview:  This site provides an overview of PTSD.

PTSD 101:  Web-based courses for providers on PTSD and trauma.

PTSD updates: This site allows you to subscribe to receive monthly updates from the VA as to new materials and resources pertaining to PTSD and trauma. 

Screening and Referral for PTSD:  VA website on screening for PTSD.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Resources and Training

Department of Defense:

The Fundamentals of TBI:  This 90 minute course offered by the Center for Deployment Psychology will provide an introduction to TBI.  This class can be taken for free or for a fee if taken for continuing education credit.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Pocket Guide:  This document is a quick reference guide for health professionals who are treating providers with mild TBI.

Department of Veterans Affairs:

Information about TBI:  This information, from the VA’s website, provides a comprehensive overview of TBI.

Other Resources:

Brain Injury FAQs:  This article from the Brain Injury Association of America answers some frequently asked questions by family members concerning brain injuries.

TBI Resource Directory:  This website allows providers to find TBI resources in your community.   

Military Culture

Department of Defense:

Continuing Education:  This AfterDeployment site offers continuing education training in areas pertaining to military culture and other issues.

Center for Deployment Psychology Military Culture course:  The Center for Deployment Psychology offers a course on military cultural competence.

Understanding Military Culture:  This website has tools and tips for providers on understanding military culture.

Department of Veterans Affairs:

Understanding Military Culture When Treating PTSD:  This course will help MFTs and other providers understand military culture.  Continuing Education credit might be available for taking this course.

Becoming a TRICARE Provider 

TRICARE is the program that provides healthcare to almost 10 million active duty members and families of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard, as well as retirees and their families.  TRICARE recognizes and reimburses MFTs as eligible providers. 
MFTs can locate the applications to join TRICARE through this website

Careers for MFTs with the Military and VA 

Department of Veterans Affairs
:  MFT positions with the VA   
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is hiring MFTs to provide mental health services to Veterans.  MFTs interested in working for the VA should visit this website  or click on the banner below to search for MFT jobs.

Department of Defense
MFTs are hired as civilian mental health providers by the Army, Navy/Marines, and Air Force.  MFTs interested in working for the military as a civilian provider should search for MFTs jobs with the military on the website

Organizations for Providers who work with Military Families

The Alliance of Military and Veteran Family Behavioral Health Providers:  This organization seeks to optimize the preparedness of behavioral health providers working to enhance the resilience, recovery and reintegration of Service members, Veterans, and their Family members and communities throughout the military, post-military, and family life cycles.  The Alliance has several useful great resource guides for providers who are working with Service members, Veterans and their families. 

MFTs can join the Alliance and receive a monthly newsletter.  AAMFT is a leading participant in this organization, and several AAMFT members participate in leadership roles with the Alliance. 

Give an Hour:  This organization provides complimentary and confidential counseling to the US military community.  These services are provided by volunteer providers.  AAMFT encourages members to participate in Give an Hour.

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy:  The AAMFT has many resources and training opportunities for MFTs and other providers who work with Service members, Veterans, and their families or who are interested in working with this population.  If you are not already a member of AAMFT, you can join AAMFT by visiting our membership page .

MFT Jobs Serving Veterans

The VA is now hiring MFTs to provide services to our Veterans. Here is information on applying for these positions.


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